Patient care. Practice. / Догляд за хворими. Практика.


Рік видання: 2023

Кі-сть сторінок: 192 с.

ISBN 978-617-574-220-4

Переглянути зміст та технічні сторінки


The textbook presents the main aspects of therapeutic patient care at the up-to-date
theoretical and practical level; the technique of medical manipulations is set out. The
principles of the organization of therapeutic regimen and patient care, skills to perform the
necessary medical manipulations are considered. Attention is paid to the observance of moral
and deontological principles by medical professionals. For each unit, tests and theoretical
questions are provided for a better understanding of the material. The Appendix contains
standards for the most common manipulations and emergency medical care. The textbook
is designed for students of the International aculties with English medium of study, higher
education institutions of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, majoring in Dentistry, and can be
used to prepare for the practical training of students majoring in Medicine.

Додаткова інформація


Сімейна медицина. Внутрішня медицина. Кардіологія.

Мова видання


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