Nursing Skills in Pediatrics/Навички медичної сестри в педіатрії


Рік видання: 2023

Тип обкладинки: тверда лам.

Розміри: 155×205 мм.

Кі-сть сторінок: 176 с.

ISBN 978-617-574-231-0

Переглянути зміст та технічні сторінки


The textbook discusses the algorithms for performing manipulations in pediatrics
nursing practice in accordance with the curricula of pediatric disciplines, which are studied
for 2–6 courses in higher medical education: «Care for patients. Practice», «Propaedeutics
of Pediatrics», «Nursing Practice», «Pediatrics».
The textbook aims to help students of higher medical education in the formation of
professional skills and abilities of objective examination in pediatric patients of different
age, mastering the basic principles of nursing care. These algorithms are based on modern
clinical guidelines for the nursing care.

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