PEDIATRIC SURGICAL DENTISTRY. OUTPATIENT TREATMENT/ Дитяча хірургічна стоматологія. Амбулаторний прийом


Рік видання: 2023

Кі-сть сторінок: 146с.

ISBN 978-617-574-256-3

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The training manual contains literature data and the results of our observations and methods of healing pathological processes that pediatric surgeons often deal with during outpatient treatment. Taking into account that statistical data, etiopathogenetic aspects and scientific research concerning nosological forms are covered well enough in corresponding textbooks and periodicals. Their authors have aimed to focus only on issues of practical orientation. The training manual is intended for students of IV and V years of study at stomatological faculties of higher medical educational institutions, subordinators, medical interns and dental surgeons. The learning guide was prepared in accordance with the curriculum in pediatric surgical dentistry.

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