Medical Psychology / Медична психологія


Рік видання: 2023
Тип обкладинки: тверда лам.

Розміри: 15,5×20,5 см.
Кі-сть сторінок: 177 с.

ISBN 978-617-574-220-4

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The textbook consists of two parts which illustrates main positions of general and special medical psychology. Main criteria of normal, borderline and morbid psychic, peculiarities of physician’s psychology and interrelation between physician and patient were showed. Basis of psychosomatic mechanisms of diseases development and somatopsychic relations, problems of medical deontology, basis of psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis and psychotherapy were showed. Special attention was devoted to the problems of human’s suicidality.
For Students of Foreign Faculties with English education’s form of Medical Universities.

Додаткова інформація


Психіатрія. Наркологія. Психологія

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